In a quaint little nook of the manufacturing unit, spectacles resting on the nose, oblivious to the chaos and pandemonium around, intensely focused on the sparkle of the craft they create, sits the heart and soul of Trishona.
Each story created like a labor of love.
Trishona was all dreams until these hands manifested this story to life. We found our karigars who transformed the design stories from our heads and diaries to pieces that were exquisitely handcrafted and engineered with incomparable precision. Our artist partners opened up a world of craftsmanship rarely heard of.
In two separate corners of India, dozens of these storytellers ideate, create and breathe life into the designs that are now ready to become a part of you. May it be cutting a black Onyx into a raw crescent at Jaipur or in Bangalore, crafting a locking mechanism for your bracelet that so seamlessly dips into the design, you wouldn't know when it flows into the shape of your wrist.
In the days that come, Trishona will work with our core team of artists to create an honest, fierce, intelligent and unabashed story of Indian jewelry which for the first time brings to the Indian woman, global aesthetics combined with the vibrant metals, karigari and stories of India.
At Trishona we weave stories, and these storytellers are crafting pieces that transcend boundaries.